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2024: Adopting a ‘Can-Do’ Attitude

It is all about your attitude. It is all about your CONSISTENT attitude! It is NOT about being occasional. It is not about being a part-tine DOER! It is ALL about having a CAN-DO attitude. 

What is a CAN-DO attitude?
A CAN-DO attitude is just as it sounds. It means you have adopted an attitude (and the beginning of a lifestyle) that you will do what it takes to get what you know you can do and get done. The attitude is the mindset you have, that you believe what needs to be done can and will be done, by you.

Who can have a CAN-DO attitude?
EVERYONE! However, it all BEGINS with YOU. Someone has to lead the way, so why not you? Someone has to be the one to say, “enough is enough!” Someone has to be the one to do something in any situation when others refuse to step up.
One thing to know: The CAN-DO attitude is contagious. By being someone with a CAN-DO attitude know that others will see you, see your success, and want to achieve the same level of success. However, know that having a CAN-DO attitude is NOT a FLEX, it is something that others will want. The CAN-DO attitude is something that everyone can have, all they need is knowing that it is allowed and encouraged. By watching you exhibit a CAN-DO attitude, others will step up and join you.

Why is it important to have a CAN-DO Attitude?
The importance of having a CAN-DO attitude cannot be stressed enough. You, as an individual, know things must get done. You know that in almost all cases things are not going to get done by themselves. Additionally, you know that others lack the initiative to get those things done, especially those that must be done. This is where you, not for the sake of others, step up to get that done. You know you can do it, then do it. You know that where others fail, you succeed. So, succeed. You will come to find that the successful feeling that comes from completing something becomes like an addiction especially when you create more success.

Why is being CONSISTENT important when it comes to having a CAN-DO attitude?
Having a CAN-DO attitude means you hold yourself accountable, all the time. Seriously, what is the point of holding yourself accountable part of the time? Holding yourself accountable all the time minimizes any guess work when it comes to pushing yourself to achieve your goals and/or completing your mission. Consistency breeds reliability. 

As a current or future leader, the number one thing that those that will follow you look for and that is your level of reliability. How reliable are you to be present? How reliable are you to deliver the bad news as well as the good news? The only way to be known as a reliable leader is to be someone that is constantly consistent in what they do, say, and expect.

How long does it take to make CONSISTENCY a habit?
Short answer: as long as it takes. Long answer: As long as it takes for you to not to have to consciously think about or remember to have a CAN-DO attitude. Some say 21 days of consistency creates a habit. I say it depends on the individual some may be less others may be longer.

Let’s wrap this up.
As a leader, current or future, it serves you and those you lead to adopt a CAN-DO attitude. Having the mindset to do what must be done, when it needs to be done gives you and your team a one up on those individuals and/or groups that are not yet where they need to be to be successful. Be the example for those that are getting there and not yet inspired to begin their journey to have a full-time CAN-DO Attitude. Yes, as a leader that is your responsibility. 

Thank you,
David Guerra

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