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2024: What Is Your Message?

In a world overflowing with information, where is your message? Among all the noise, static, and attention seeking where is your message? Do not forget to throw opinions into the mix…there lots and lots of opinions out there and where is your message?

Is your message being heard? Is your message being understood? You have a message and that message must get through.

Folks, getting your message through is a struggle. Then to get your message understood is an uphill climb.

If I may impart one tip on getting your message through and understood it is this: YOU MUST FIRST KNOW WHAT YOUR MESSAGE IS, THEN YOU CAN PROPERLY CONVEY IT TO OTHERS.

Yes, it does fall on YOU to know your message. Know your message from stem to stern. No exceptions and most importantly, NO SHORTCUTS!

To get to know your message you must first get to know yourself.

It does not matter what your message is, what matters is you knowing that your message is an extension of who you are and what you stand for. FAILING THAT AND YOUR MESSAGE WILL GET LOST.

Again, it does not matter who you are or who you think you are, if you and your message do not align then you have NO MESSAGE.

There is no HACK, no TRICK, no TIP, all there is, taking the time to get know yourself and your message will be realized. Do not rush it. Do not try to speed through the process to get your message. I guarantee you that if you go speeding through your message it will be nothing but a jumbled mess.

It will join its rightful place among all the other jumbled, mixed up noise out in the ether.

At that point, you have to ask yourself, why bother?

Why bother, indeed? If no one is hearing let along understanding your message, then it is high time to make a change. CHANGE your message so that it can be easily understood. Then CHANGE the way you are delivering your message.

Now you might not get it right the first time. Keep working at it. Keep Trying.

At the end of the day, there is only one question to ask and the answer will determine whether your message can be found (or not): What’s Your Message?

Thanks for your time,