This week’s CHART focuses on Who Do You Think You Are Fooling.

This is another one of those chart that you really have to pay close attention to.
The left side (Vertical) shows the Number Of People You Think You Are Fooling. At the top is ALL THE PEOPLE and that bottom of that scale is SOME OF THE PEOPLE.
The bottom (Horizontal) shows the ACTUAL Number of People You Are Actually Fooling. The scale from left to right shows LOW number of people to the far right is NONE OF THE PEOPLE.
Only FOOLS believe they can FOOL any number of people. They get the idea that they can fool people from the people they are trying to fool. See no one wants to be fooled.
People are naturally on guard for people trying to pull the wool over their eyes. They see right through you every time. So how do people get away with fooling others?
Simple, those targeted to be fooled usually do NOT want to stir pot, cause problems, start a fight so naturally they submit to the individual that is trying to get one over.
Eventually, enough is enough and for the person used to or allowed to “fool” others the jig is up. It is up because in the end they realize they were fooling no one.