
Drink Plenty of Water (Day 52) by David Guerra

Day 52 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


All around you a $12 Billion/year industry knows what is good for you. Those $12 Billion come from the bottled water sales. That’s a lot of High Quality H-2-0.

The human body is over 70% water. The human brain consists of over 70%, as well. There is no mention of Dr. Pepper being an essential part of keeping the body hydrated. Diet Coke…uh, well…just forget it there is ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY, NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE. Oh sure, Dr. Pepper ® and Diet Coke ® have water in it, but the sugars and other artificial chemicals completely NEGATE the benefits the water in the soft drink may have.

Somewhere between 8 to 10 cups of water every day should do you nicely. It should keep you hydrated enough to keep all your bodily systems operating nominally and in a healthy state.

Put that Dr. Pepper® back in the refrigerator case and instead pour yourself a tall cool glass of H20 (water) and enjoy.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Throw A Party (Day 51) by David Guerra

Day 51 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


What a great way to spend time with old friends, new friends all of which are good friends. Set a date, plan the menu, make a list, send out those invitations and have a Party.

Have FUN!

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Having A Charismatic Personality… – Day 50

Day 50 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World

Having a charismatic personality is something that many want, few achieve, and even less maintain.

You’ve seen that person all your life. They are always surrounded by people and sometimes they are the life of the party (even if it’s your party). What??? Someone else is the life of your party? Why not you? If you are the host of the party, you MUST be the life of the party. Seriously, why hand that power over to someone else?

Come on; do you really like being behind the scenes? No! No one does!

Start doing something to change all that. Take your party back and be the life of the party called your life.

Here are a few things you can do now (remember start off small and BE PATIENT):

  • Read today’s newspaper
  • Read the latest bestseller novel
  • Join a public speaking group (i.e., Toastmasters)
  • Learn a little magic
  • Learn a card trick or two (or three or more)

All of these will give you a little confidence that you can cultivate and grow. With all that confidence you are sure to take your rightful place: the life of your party.

However, something to think about: If you have the confidence to learn a parlor trick or two or join Toastmasters or something (anything) that puts you outside of your comfort zone then you already have all the confidence you need (but a little more doesn’t hurt).

Thank you,
David Guerra

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