
ARRIVE EARLY (Day 74) by David Guerra

Day 74 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


When was the last time you arrived early for a meeting?

When was the last time you arrived early for an interview?

Of course, there is a limit to being too early. One day early is not a good thing. Should you find yourself arriving one day early to a meeting don’t be adamant that today is the day. Be humble and excuse yourself. Don’t worry that that interviewer will think you do not pay attention to detail. You get a second chance to make a first impression. However, should you decide to argue the fact that you believe the meeting is today and not tomorrow, no second chance at a first impression is possible!

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with re-confirming by calling the day before.  Pick up the phone and confirm, it will make you look organized and not like someone who could care less when it comes to attention to detail.

On the day of the interview, make it a point to leave 10 minutes earlier than you originally planned (15 if your destination is more than 20 miles away, 30 if it is an hour or more away).

Arrive early enough to get yourself freshened up or at least to get your mind wrapped around the meeting, event, gathering or whatever you are arriving early for and NOT on the traffic or the obstacles that delayed your arrival.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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GO OUTSIDE (Day 73) by David Guerra

Day 73 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Spending time outside.

Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall…it doesn’t matter what time of year get your butt outside ASAP!

Go to the beach, go to the mountains, go to a park, go for a walk in your neighborhood, it doesn’t matter, what does matter is that you get outside and see the real world for what it is: REAL!

Go Outside and Visit Mother Nature (often), she misses you.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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BECOME A LIFELONG LEARNER (Day 72) by David Guerra

Day 72 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Graduating High School, College, or Grad School should NOT be the end of your learning.

Continuing your education can be as simple as cracking open a book or taking an online class. Heck, you can sign up for a cooking class at the local community college. Even online webinars can change your life.

So, why not give it a shot and take a chance at learning something new?

Who knows you might just learn something? Remember, don’t stop there go ahead and sign up for the next class.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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