
Take More Pictures – Day 16

Day 16 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


If you are not capturing moments in time, you should start. If you are taking pictures, keep up the good work.
Get a dedicated camera (film or digital) and start clicking away. Do not be tempted to use your cellphone camera. While it will do in a pinch, it is not a camera. It is a phone that happens to have a camera built-in. Go ahead and get yourself a camera and start taking pictures. Take pictures of family, friends, plants, bugs, anything and everything. Just take pictures of events or solo shots it does not matter just start capturing moments.
If you need a reason to capture those moments forever. Think about it like this, taking pictures is a great way to see life in a different way. It forces you to fine tune, fine focus your vision to a little box of the world. Once you see that the world is unique with every shot you take, a better person and a better photographer you will become.
Still not sure what to take a picture of, then try this (or something like this): A couple of years ago, I took one photo of the day’s sunrise. I did this every day for a year, even if I took no other picture that day, I took it. It was a lot of fun and I became a better photographer for it. I also shared those daily images with my friends and family, that kind of fun was priceless.
Not sure what kind of camera you want/need. That’s OK with the quality of the cameras that are out on the market today you should have no problem finding one you can afford and use. There are plenty of great cameras out there for a reasonable price. Check out for some camera ideas.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Have The Right Tool For The Job – Day 15

Day 15 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


You’ve been around long enough to know that you don’t bring a knife to a gun fight. The same thing applies to anything and everything you do in life. You use the right tool for the right job. In this case, the right tool is a tool you wear just about every day; your Shoes!

That’s right, your shoes. Are you wearing the right shoe for the right job? An uncomfortable shoe will be one of the first things you feel at the beginning of the day and the last thing you feel at night. An uncomfortable pair of shoes will do nothing but drag you and your attitude down. So why suffer all day long with a bad pair of shoes? Why make others suffer right along with you? Eventually, your frustration with those shoes will come shining through.

I understand the illogical logic that sometimes a bad pair of shoes may look good and to look good you need to suffer a little bit. If you absolutely positively have to wear an ill-fitting pair of shoes limit your time in them.
What I am saying is if you look good and FEEL good looking good then by all means keep on keeping on. However, when you don’t FEEL good then by all means go out and get yourself the right tool.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Read More Books – Day 14

Day 14 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Everyone likes the VIP treatment. Everyone likes to be treated special. So why not pay it forward and make someone feel special. Why not make them feel like the VIP you want to be. Making someone feel special does not require hordes of paparazzi nor does it require expensive, lavish gifts (though it wouldn’t hurt). All it takes is to treat others the way you want to be treated: lots of kindness, plenty of sympathy, piles of empathy, and two helping hands. This goes a long way especially, when it is done WITHOUT any expectation of the same being done in return.

If you really expect something in return then guess what? You are doing it wrong.

Be Genuine. Be Authentic. Be The Person You Have Always Wanted To Be.

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