
Always Give Thanks (Day 19) by David Guerra

Day 19 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Though there is nothing like it in the world when people go out of their way to thank you. There is no greater feeling than the one we get in our gut when people recognize us for what we do for them and who does not like feeling good?

Now ask yourself when was the last time you gave someone Thanks?

  • Five minutes ago
  • Yesterday
  • Two days ago
  • Last month
  • Give someone thanks? Hell no! I am the only one who deserves any thanks!

Seriously, if you answered any of the above, and I DO MEAN ANY OF THE ABOVE, other than letter A then you are WRONG and you are OVERDUE in giving someone a simple: THANK YOU!

What’s it going to cost you to take some time and recognize all the good people and all the good things in your everyday life? Remember, no action, no event, no one is too big or too small to be left unrecognized.

Set aside some time every day to either bang out a Thank You phone call or a Thank You email. Better still, do what I do at least once a week, write a Thank You note to someone who you feel has gone above and beyond for the week? Then repeat at least once a week. Before you know it you will be saying some very meaningful Thank You to those that you never even thought deserved a second glance.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Bring Some Sunlight Into Your Life (Day 18) by David Guerra

Day 18 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


They say that if you want the best Vitamin D in the world you have to make it yourself. 10 minutes a day out in the sunlight is enough to make that Vitamin D happen naturally. It seems that all mammals can synthesize Vitamin D from cholesterol when sun exposure is adequate, thus called the “sunshine vitamin”. It does wonders for your bones, it helps prevent rickets. However, I am not solely talking about the health benefits of walking out in the sunlight.

As we start approaching winter and the days get shorter and the nights get longer (which happen to be my favorite time of year) it is even more important to step outside and get re-vitalized, re-energized. The Sun as if by magic can transform you into a new person. It’s true! Ever remember just one time, when you were a kid, that you were not happy being outside in the sun, playing and running? You felt more alive than most people do now.
You can feel the warmth of the Sun bring new life and new hope, plus the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin D into your body. So get out there and enjoy those rays, your bones will appreciate it.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Start Blogging – Day 17

Day 17 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


If you are not already blogging, start now. Blogging is a great way of getting your message out there. Tell the world what you are passionate about. Tell the world that you got something to say and that you are going to say it.

Think you can’t do it? Don’t know what a blog really is? You are reading a blog right not. I have a message; no I have plenty of messages. I have a lot to say so I am saying it. Sometimes it might not be popular, it might not be what people want to read and worse still, it might be something directly about the reader and yet their vanity does not allow them to know it is about them (and people like them). However, having a blog also means you have a great responsibility.

I have a great responsibility when it comes to sharing information and talking about “friends” and “associates” and “family” while I do not name names I do draw from everyday life to cite real world examples about what is right and what is wrong in the world at-large. If you think you don’t have something to say, just take a step back, look around you, and you might just be astonished at just how much there is to say.

Who knows you might just start a discussion that you never thought you would be a part of, let alone create. Along the way you might just meet some new and interesting people.

Not sure where to go to start a blog. You start at or head on over to to get your very own blog up and running.

Once, you have your blog up and running please let me know what your new blog’s web address is as I would like to read what you have to say.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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