
Control Your Emotions (Day 38) by David Guerra

Day 38 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


There has never been a better time to take full control of your emotions than now. Right now you are in being pulled in so many directions that sometimes, you don’t know exactly how many directions. Stress levels go up, time starts slipping away and the next thing you know things get out of control, to include your emotions.

One thing that many of us forget is that we are the master of our fate, we control our destiny. We hold our future in the palm of our hands. However, when we let emotions get out of hand we lose control of ourselves and we hand our power over to someone else. Do you really want someone to control you and your emotions? Once you give it away it is so hard to take back. So don’t do it.

Easier said than done, right? Not handing the power of happiness over to someone is easy because you are the ONLY person that has the power to make you happy and to make you unhappy. That’s right NOT your neighbor, not your spouse, not your family, and most definitely not your friends.


You have the luxury to pick and choose when and what will rattle your cage and what will not. Always remember this cold hard fact the next time you are surrounded by negativity, by those that would rather see you miserable more than anything else in the world. Remember, that you have the power and no one else will have it unless you decide to give it away.

Act on the knowledge that you control your emotions and NO ONE else does. While it may be a little difficult at first, however, after deliberate attempts to remember and act, you will soon stop giving your emotions and (ultimately) control to others who do NOT deserve it.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Pamper Yourself (Day 37) by David Guerra

Day 37 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


You have to look out for Number 1. If you don’t look out for yourself then how can you ever be expected to look out for your family and friends? You have to take care of yourself, NO “ands”, “ifs”, or “buts”.
Of course, when I say “you have to take care of yourself” I don’t mean you go off and neglect your duties. You are expected to continue doing what you are expected to do, sorry no slacking off here.
Taking care of yourself here means getting a pint of Ben and Jerry’s and kicking your feet up or for the ladies going out and getting the full spa treatment.

Gents find a barber and get the full treatment. A haircut, hot towel, and a shave. There are places that still do this. So go for it!

Taking care of yourself also means NOT to overdo it. One pint at a time. One spa treatment every three months. Doing it all the time will most certainly cause the novelty to wear off. Once the novelty wears off, the stress returns. Stress returns when you are no longer able to properly pamper yourself.

Then what will you do? Stress over finding something new to do to pamper yourself? So go easy on the pampering.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Be Rubber Not Glue (Day 36) by David Guerra

Day 36 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


All through elementary, middle, and high school negative comments were commonplace as were the responses. First, it was “sticks and stones” then we graduated to “I am rubber, you are glue”. Still the negative comments continued. Heck, it probably continues to this day in some form or another in your life. Whether it is a co-worker calling you a name that you would not want your grandmother to hear or one politician calling another a cheater. It is all around us, in some cases it hurts and in the case of politicians it may be true.

There are some individuals that would get upset when they are called names. Then there are those that let the vicious words of others slide right off. How do they do it? How do they appear to go unscathed by the sharp tongues? They know, understand, and believe that they are NOT what others are claiming them to be. They know themselves enough to not fall for the trap that others are baiting them to fall into.

Those that shrug off the name calling know that those that are saying those words are FOOLS. They are behaving like little children who don’t know any better. As an adult, why would you want to go against someone with a mindset of a 7 year old? Think about it, would you really react with anger when a 7 year old child calls you a name? Of course, you wouldn’t. So why would you even entertain the thought of considering to go toe-to-toe against someone who chooses behave like a schoolyard bully by slinging such words around.

What if what they are calling you is true?

Simple: Say “Thank You for bringing that to my attention” and move on!

And YES, it is that simple. If you still don’t believe me, then try it the next time someone calls you a very negative and very derogatory name. Remember, you are rubber and they are glue and you know the rest.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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