
Eye Contact – Day 44

Day 44 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Make and Keep Eye Contact. People want to know that someone is paying attention and there is no better way to show that you are paying attention than to look someone in the eye. Make and Keep Eye Contact. Don’t be distracted by the Television, the Computer monitor, your phone, a car passing by, and for Pete’s sake do not be distracted by the shiny object(s) hanging off a gold chain.

Keep the distractions to a minimum.

No matter how shiny and bright and big the object hanging off the chain is do not be seduced by the distraction.

What if they do not make eye contact with you?

Don’t worry; you just keep making eye contact. Eventually, they’ll get it. Remember, the eyes will also tell you what they are thinking and wanting to do. You can then adjust the conversation to move to your advantage, if not then you will at least be prepared for anything that comes up in the conversation.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Is That Your First Impression – Day 43

Day 43 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Remember, you only get ONE shot at a First Impression! So you have got to make it the best first impression you can. There is NO second chance there is NO half-assed good first impression. There is ONLY a Good or Bad first impression.

The sooner you accept this fact, the sooner you can start to work on making a good first impression the first time, EVERY TIME!

So how do you go about making a good first impression?

It is quite simple.

  1. Firm and strong handshake. No one likes shaking a wet noodle. Also, don’t overdo it and crush their hand
  2. Smile 🙂
  3. Introduce yourself properly. “Hello, my name is ___________. Nice to meet you.”
  4. Speak loud enough to be heard. NO YELLING!!!
  5. Repeat the person’s name as they tell you.
  6. When you depart say, “It was nice to meet you, “

If you forgot their name, that’s OK. There is no shame in asking for their name again. The shame comes when you DON’T ask.

Do these six things and you will you make a good impression every time. Practice these six steps, always, and you will ALWAYS make an excellent First Impression.

Thank You and my name is David Guerra.


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Be A Coach – Day 42

Day 42 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Step up, Be an Adult and do what Adults are supposed to do. They are supposed to help shape the lives of youth. They are supposed to coach little league, teach them to be better readers, explain algebra equations to them. Adults are expected to be there for youth in their family and in their community. So get out there and help change the future of some child. Who knows you might just learn a thing or two? Maybe, just maybe have a little fun.

Call the Boys and Girls Club, Your local elementary, local Youth Activities League and get started. Oh and get used to being called COACH.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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