
Work Is To Stay At Work – Day 47

Day 47 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


There is something that can be said about the individual that can leave WORK at WORK when the whistle blows 5 o’clock and can also leave HOME at HOME when the whistle blows in the morning.

Imagine being able to turn off all of your at home worries and solely focus on the job at hand?

Imagine being able to turn off all the day’s events and have a restful and peaceful evening at home with your family?

Some say that because of this age that we live in. The ALWAYS ON, ALWAYS CONNECTED 24/7 world we cannot break the electronic chains that tie us to work in the evenings and by the same token those chains that tie us to family during the day. It is because of the stress of always being connected that it is essential to have a place where you can go to escape the workplace.

To minimize the stress make home a WORK FREE ZONE (WFZ). The WFZ is where you will not check your work email every half hour. You will not do work from work for the sake of doing the work. You will not answer a work phone call because the phone is ringing. Guess what? That’s why they invented voicemail and that’s why people play “phone tag” so let the call go to voicemail and get with them later.

In the meantime, enjoy the time with your family.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Reflect – Day 46

Day 46 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Over the past 45 days, there have been plenty ideas, concepts and so much more to think about. Just like life, things come at you 100 mph. Every once in a while, it is a great idea to put the parking brakes on and sit idle for a bit. During that “idle” time you are to REFLECT on all that has happened up until this point.

Word of Warning: Don’t idle so long that your “engine” overheats.

Sit “idle” long enough to:

  • Absorb all that has happened
  • Understand what has happened and why
  • Plan your next move / Chart your course
  • Execute

This is not like daily meditation in that you clear your mind. No, this time to actively reflect is for when you really want to go over the things that have recently happened and to contemplate on how and where you want your life to go from this point on.

As I wrote, don’t take too long to execute because whether you want to believe it or not stuff is already happening, decisions have been made, and the plans of others are being executed as you read this. So don’t let it overtake you and pass you by. The last thing you want to do is spin your wheels while you are trying to get up to speed.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Be A Mentor – Day 45

Day 45 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Be A Mentor. Find someone who you see needs a little guidance whether it is at work, at school, in the playground, at the gym, on the track, on the trail and pass on your wisdom, share your knowledge. Be a Leader by shaping future leaders.

Be a Mentor.

Something to remember: Don’t go up to someone and ask if you can mentor them. Just start sharing your knowledge and your wisdom and before you know it you will have your very own “Padawan” (a Star Wars reference (look it up)).

Thank you,
David Guerra

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