
Travel For The Sake of Curiosity (Day 34) by David Guerra

Day 34 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Pack your bags! Get out and hit the open skies or the dusty trail or the road that goes on forever. One of the most exciting and life-altering activities anyone can do is to travel. Whether it is to the shore, to the amusement park, to the next town over, to the next state, to the next country it doesn’t matter so long as you step beyond your neck of the woods.

Plane, Train, Bus, Cab, Car, Bike, Rickshaw it doesn’t really matter so long as you get out and about. Know that you might just find a new favorite place in the world. Heck, you might even move there. Who knows? You will but you do have to pack first (remember what mom said about clean underwear).

Imagine what your world view will be when you change your latitude, longitude, and altitude every once in a while.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Call Someone (Anyone) (Day 33) by David Guerra

Day 33 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


When was the last time your fingers did the walking across your phone’s keypad and dialed an old friend? If you have to stop and think about it, then it has been way too long!!!

Unless you owe someone money there is absolutely nothing wrong with ringing up an old friend. They might just be surprised that you called or even remembered them for that matter.

If you do owe them money, dial them anyway. Who knows they might have forgotten about the money owed, especially if it has been a long while since you last talked.

Go ahead and re-connect, it’s OK.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Remain Constantly Curious (Day 32) by David Guerra

Day 32 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


By design all humans are curious creatures. Then again by default we are creatures of habit. If we like something we will keep doing it until it either makes us insanely rich or extremely poor, there is very little middle ground here.

As there is very little middle ground, you have to create and maintain a constant curiosity of the world.


Ask the questions others want to ask but are afraid to ask! Pull out your handy dandy daily journal and document EVERYTHING! Take names and numbers. Absorb everything the world has to offer. Try something NEW! Start a new adventure!

Remember, to you the world is uncharted territory and there be dragons around every corner. So put your pith helmet on, grab your bull whip, strap on your sidearm and get out there. Dive into the pit of snakes head first. Of course, walk where Angels fear to tread!!!

Experience the Experience. Feel the new sensations. Leave YOUR COMFORT ZONE behind!

There is only one planet we can explore, there is only one life to do it all, so get out there and do it!!!
Please drop me a post card every once in a while to let me know how you are doing and where you are!

Thank you,
David Guerra

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