
DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Do Not Believe In Themselves

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Do Not Believe In Themselves
As you grow to become better than you were yesterday, you will encounter individual(s) that will not believe in you.
Usually, they do not believe in you because they do not believe in themselves. They have developed such a level of defeat within themselves that they refuse to see that others can succeed. They refuse that they too can succeed but they have not the mindset, aptitude or wherewithal to attempt to grow into something greater than mediocrity.
Sucks that far too many people would prefer mediocrity over doing what it takes to grow above and beyond what they have known for far too long in their lives. For whatever reason, those individuals that do not admit that they do not believe in themselves would rather deflect towards others and make up some nonsensical reason not to believe in someone else’s success.
So, if you find yourself surrounded by people that appear to not believe in you, your success, and willingness to grow do not fret, as it usually something they lack in themselves. Their lack of belief in themselves is what they use to blind themselves from their own truth and shortcomings rather than to be happy and support those that are trying to be better than they were yesterday. 
Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!
Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Have Zero Discipline

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Have Zero Discipline 
There will be times that you will encounter individuals that talk a good game but fail to deliver. 
Those individuals are ALL SHOW AND NO GO!
They are all show and no go because they have absolutely ZERO DISCIPLINE. They lack what it takes to make things happen. 
Should you find yourself among individuals that are lacking the DISCIPLINE to deliver on what they say, go running. Run to the hills. Run Fast and Run Far. Put distance between you and those that refuse to put in the work (in the form of discipline) to get what they say they want are not the kind of people you want to be near. 
Put putting geography between you and those with ZERO discipline ensure that their dullness does not rubs off on you.
Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!
Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA

DO NOT GIVE UP: What Other People Think

People will always have something to say. People will always have an opinion about this and that. They will think about you and what you do, what you say, what you failed to do or say. That’s just how people are. Heck, you probably do it too.

No matter what, you have to know that what others think about when it comes to you does not matter. Most people will think they know you or what is best for you when in all actuality, they do not know what is best for themselves let alone think they know anything about anyone.

With that being said, You do not let them get to you and keep doing you. Keeping Moving Forward. Keep Learning and Growing.

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!

Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA