
UNDERSTANDING – Make Certain You Know & Understand Your Message

When it comes time to share your message, no matter what it is, there is one thing to remember. Before you go out among those that you want to lead, you have to make absolutely certain that you know your message. it is imperative that you not only fully know and understand your message but that you clearly and comprehensibly articulate your message to others.
By clearly and comprehensibly articulating your message to others means that you do know & understand your message. Nothing makes a leader a leader than one who can deliver their vision with enough knowledge, understanding, and passion so as to inspire others to act. 
Now, do not for one second think you got this because you DON’T got this. I know for a fact I do not have this and that is why I have to constantly work on it and you do too. Knowing and Understanding your message is a full time job. Time to get busy.
Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!
Thanks for your time,
David G. Guerra, MBA

DO NOT GIVE UP: When You Do Not Live Up To Expectation of Others

Aside from blaming you for their inadequacies people will also be quick to let you know when you are not living up their expectations of you.

Do not give up when others bring that nonsense to you. As you are progressing on your own journey and blazing your own trail on the way to developing your self-leadership and growing as a leader, you will start to shift in your view of the world and others. It is at this point that you will become a target for those that you are leaving behind.

Well, technically they are leaving themselves behind when they refuse to grow both personally and professionally.

Most of the time they would rather deflect than to admit to themselves they cannot even meet their own expectations.

Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!

Get to work,

David Guerra, MBA

DO NOT GIVE UP: When Others Blame You For Their Problems

As I have mentioned there are people that will not like you. There will be nothing you can do about that. Accept that fact and life becomes better.
However, there is another deeper side to others NOT liking you. There are people out there that will blame you for their problems. There are people that for no reason than their own ignorance will find a way to blame you for their problems.
People will go out of their way to blame you for their problems. Whatever the problem they are refusing to accept responsibility for their actions and inactions. They refuse to hold themselves accountable but are quick to hold others accountable and swift to lay blame.
You cannot give up when it comes to dealing with that kind of behavior. As a leader, get used to this becoming a standard and not an exception. It is when you set the example of holding yourself accountable and holding those that need to be held accountable accountable that you begin to change yourself, how others see you, interact with you and ultimately, they will change themselves.
Remember, Actions over Words all day, every day!
Get to work,
David Guerra, MBA