

The title of this week’s blog post is “About Bad-Mouthing Leaders and/or Others”
First off, DO NOT DO IT!

Second, if you are doing it or have done it in the past…JUST STOP!

Seriously, there is absolutely no need for that to happen.

So, what if they are bad mouthing you?

Consider the following: Is anyone that is professional more apt to stoop down to the level of having no option than to bad-mouth others? NO!

A Professional remains a Professional 100% of the time. Professionals do not believe in a “time out” to bad-mouth someone who bad mouthed them.

If anyone that claims they are always “professional” decides it is correct and proper to cast their “professionalism” aside just to get back at someone then they were NEVER a professional to begin with.


These individuals are the “do as I say and not as I do” type. They will never actually be professionals. The kind of professional that people respect, admire, look up to. They will never be leaders. They will never be leaders because leaders find other ways to deal with those they have conflict.

What if you are caught in the path of bad-mouthing? What if you find yourself in the presence of someone bad-mouthing a peer, co-worker, colleague, a supervisor, a manager, a boss, a leader?
First off, let them rant. Unless, you are prepared to be the victim of their next tirade do not stop them. These individuals have done this once or twice and have gotten away with it. So, what’s the use of trying to stop them now?

When they are done, make it clear that everyone heard their outside voice and leave it at that. While this might not stop them from doing it again in front of witnesses, they should, at least, give it a second thought before they open their mouth, again. Remember this, if they say “I don’t care who hears me!” Keep in mind, if they had any guts they would bad-mouth their target to their face. Face-to-Face. However, most of those boisterous individuals are just all talk and no guts whatsoever. To spot a coward all you must do is just watch and listen. They always give themselves away.

Now…it’s your turn!

As an up-and-coming leader, it is your responsibility to control yourself, your emotions, your words, your reactions, and most of all, control your situation. In my recent and not so recent past I have been guilty of not maintaining control of myself, my words, my situations. That’s OK as learning to control yourself comes with time. It is part of learning and growing.
Things are not always black and white but they are there to teach us. They are there for us to learn from. We serve ourselves best when we learn from our mistakes and NOT repeat them. However, be prepared to make more mistakes. I know I have and I know I will.

Final Thoughts: Bad-mouthing others never solves anything. It does, however, help in showing your true colors, who you really are, to those that are caught in the shadow of your rude words and deeds.

Be Better by learning to stop before you start.

Thank you,
David Guerra

P.S. I invite you to follow me on social media:
Instagram: Dave_Guerra
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