FUTURE – January 26, 2016

Today, I want to talk about the future. While it is good to peek into the future every once in a while, it is not right and proper to live in the future. There are just way to many variables that cause us nothing but heartache and grief because if we are not actively pursuing the outcome the future we seek will be nothing but disappointments.

Now that’s no way to live in the future. Take charge of your today before tomorrow comes.


Then again, none of us can afford to ignore the future by acting like it’s not coming. Before you know it, your tomorrows are now and then what’s left to put off?

Seriously, by avoiding (or evading) the reality of today and the inevitably of tomorrow you put yourself in a unique situation reserved only for ostriches when found with their heads in the sand. Yeah, good luck with that.


One of my favorite bands of all time wrote, “nobody knows
what’s gonna happen tomorrow.” True words. So very true.

While there are many pundits, prognosticators, very few of them are ever right. So be careful when listening and believing these bringers of fear and panic. I say this because usually they will predict a bleak and terrible future then wait for the opportunity to arise to say “I told you so” or “See, I was right all along.”

Of course, everyone wants to know what is going to happen. Usually most of us can predict with some level of certainty what will happen. However, there is no magic eight ball involved. What is involved is experience. Yes, experience shows us what happens when the same situation is replayed. Experience tells us to not touch the hot stove top or not believe everything you read on the Internet. Well, except for me. Believe me!

Seriously, be careful with whom you turn to to give you advice about the future. If you turn to me all I can promise is that it will be different than this moment.


Demand! Scream! Throw a fit. However, nothing is going to change in your future until you decide enough is enough.

Only you can make any kind of change. Others can speak words of wisdom from experience but they are ALL worthless. Worthless in that unless you want to create change they are just sounds flying off into space never to return.

Demand a better future from yourself. Because while others have great intentions when they share with you it is you and you alone that can make anything happen with or without their help.


Images of the future are all around us. Many say that we are living in the future. I say we are living in the now. We have this moment. As you read this, know that there is nothing in the past and nothing in the future. You are the sum of this moment as you read these letters and words and punctuation marks.

As your eyes scan the characters there is NO tomorrow. There is NO yesterday. All there is is now. However, as soon as you finish reading this and click like or move on to the next item there is still no future and this post is now moved to the past. Never to return.

As for tomorrow or the future, the only promise the future can make is that it will be full of change. There will be happiness and sadness. When and how much of each is yet to be determined. That uncertainty is the most beautiful thing about the future.
