CREATION – January 22, 2016

The power to create is so liberating. I sit in front of my keyboard and I create a world that moments ago never existed. I give the citizens of that world life and I take it away. I give those characters hope, love, sadness, pain, happiness and most of all I create life.

Whether you write or paint or draw or take photographs your future is rooted in what you create. Create a future for yourself.


It cost almost nothing to write a story: Pencil & Paper & Your Imagination. It cost almost nothing to take an idea from your mind to paper. So what’s stopping you? What’s your excuse for not making or creating something, anything?

That’s right, there is no excuse.


Everyone has the power to create something within us. However, there is some misguided sense of fear or procrastination or loathing that what you create is not good enough.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Your mind uses imagination to create and that makes it more than good enough. Remember, someone once thought about putting men on the moon then in 1969 that thought became a reality. Yes, that’s the beauty of it all.



I said it once and I will say it again (and again): Pay Attention To The Details!


Remember, when you are creating something make sure it is yours to create. There is nothing worse than creating something for someone else. Imagine your thoughts and ideas are solely for someone else and their success.

What do you have to gain when you create for others? Nothing!

Create for yourself and the world is yours.
