Trust The Process #3 – Resume Writing (the Education section)

TRUST THE PROCESS (Saturday Edition)
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Episode 03:

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“Trust The Process” with David Guerra: Resume Writing (the Education section)

This weekly series is Vlog meets a little Q&A or provides help on whatever you need or whatever I see people needing. In this new series, I talk about why we must (on occasion) completely trust the process because sometimes the process is there for a reason and it helps us. We have to listen, we’ve got to follow it, and we have got to do it. I know most of us do not like doing that as most of us like to blaze our own trails. I know I would rather blaze my own trail but sometimes we’ve got to do what we’ve got to do to get it done. Let’s get started.

This week’s topic is Resume Writing. I am not claiming to be an expert in resumes, I am not, by no means am an expert in writing resumes but I do know there are certain fundamentals when it comes to a resume and resume writing. Working together we can solve or we can share some of those fundamentals.