Primary Leadership Development

Welcome to the Primary Leadership Development Course.

You are to be congratulated for taking this journey to become the Leader You Always Wanted To Follow.

This course is designed to equip the participants with the essential leadership skills and qualities needed to excel in various personal and professional settings. Participants will engage in a comprehensive program that covers foundational leadership principles, effective communication strategies, team building, problem-solving, and self-awareness. Through a combination of theoretical concepts, practical exercises, and real-world case studies, participants will develop the skills and mindset necessary to lead with confidence and impact.

Through use of course materials (print, audio, and video) a transfer of knowledge and wisdom will occur to ensure that the individual has a definitive understanding of the basics of leadership and leadership development. By the end of the course, the attendees will be ready to move directly towards the Advanced Leadership Development course.

The Primary Leadership Development course is a 10-session course. A new session opens once every two weeks. Over the entirety of the course, the individual will be presented with audio, video, and written content. Individual tasks will be assigned to complete before the start of the next session. The individual tasks are rooted in the course content for that session and used to ensure course attendees understand the presented content. This encourages a successful outcome for everyone.

The following is a break down of the course topics as they are presented over the 10 sessions.
Click on the session link as they become available to enter and view the course material.

If you have any comments, concerns, feedback, or questions please email at [email protected]