One Sheet : David Guerra


Infantryman, US Army Veteran, Author, Lifelong Learner, Speaker, Podcaster, Native Texan.
[email protected]
(956) 720-0060

Author of “The Walking Leader” (ISBN: 978-1492120063), “Great To Follow (ISBN: 978-1508625940), “3000 Word Leadership Series” (ebook series). Podcast Host: Walking Leader Podcast.

Available for Conferences, Workshops, Interviews (Radio, TV, Print, Podcast, Video) in Texas, United States & International (English, Spanish, & German).

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Becoming The Walking Leader
The 20 Rules found in my first book, “The Walking Leader” presented to leaders, at all levels, as a primer, a reminder, or a complete leadership overhaul. The 20 Rules of the Walking Leader are rooted in common sense that unfortunately can no longer be afforded to be overlooked or avoided. The 20 Rules in the Walking Leader provides the reader, the current or future leader, a review or reset on how to step in to step out to step up.


Great To Follow
My second book, Great to Follow deals directly with how becoming a better follower will make those that are ready to step up and become Leaders that are Great to Follow. Everyone wants to be a leader but most people want to spend as little time as possible being a follower. That is understandable but becoming a leader cannot happen until have fully recognize and understand the world is constantly changing and evolving place. Leaders must recognize they must become the best followers they can be long before they even consider taking that leap.

Leading During A Time of Change
The world is constantly changing place. Leaders must recognize they must change right along with everyone else. Gone are the days of “we’ve always done it this way.” The audience will receive a unique perspective on the current state of leadership and how they can make changes now to be prepared to act when change comes calling, again. However, considering recent events change is constantly banging on the door.

As an Army brat, David was not destined to remain within the Lone Star State, his home state, all his life. It was during his childhood and teenage years that David’s thirst for adventure and travel began as his father led his family to various US Army posts throughout the United States. No one was surprised when David joined the U.S. Army as an Infantryman.
His first duty assignment, in 1985, put him at the tip of the Cold War spear, 110 miles inside communist East German territory, in what was then known as West Berlin.
It was in West Berlin, that his view of the world suddenly expanded – especially being part of the U.S. Armed Forces inside the Berlin Wall during the Cold War. No longer was he just along for the ride with his father’s assignments. Instead, David was in the thick of it, right where politics and ideologies met. East and West collided daily. It was while serving with the US Army, David acquired the skills, knowledge, and wisdom by learning from great leaders and managers that would be the foundation for his adult life, long after leaving Berlin and the US Army.
Working for the State of Texas as a network analyst and eventually becoming an IT department manager, David put what he learned about leadership into action. While working for the state, David earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Business Administration. Having decided it was best to work and gain more real-world experience before finishing school. Those years of real-world work experience combined with his education made David ready for deployment to the private sector. Now, he influences, not only his staff, but everyone he encounters, to help get them on the path to becoming great Individuals and even greater Leaders.

Offerings and Rates for U.S. locations Only

1-2 Hour WorkshopKeynote AddressHalf-day SeminarFull-day Seminar
Highlights on the Leadership rules
and tools of The Walking Leader & Great To Follow and immediate implementation
Leadership, Leading, and Following During
the Time of Change
Expanded content in the 1-2 hour WorkshopExpanded & Interactive on content from both
The Walking Leader and Great To Follow
Inside 150 mile radius – fuel and two meals at standard per diem rate
Between 150 – 250 mile radius – fuel, three meals at standard per diem rate
Outside 250 mile radius – Travel expense, three meals at standard per diem rate, and overnight accommodations
this information is valid as of 12/31/2024.