
Bell Curve to Improve Yourself First

Today’s Bell Curve is a representation of YOUR LIFE when you try to improve yourself first.

While far too many people believe they know better about how others should be living their lives while having absolutely NO CLUE how to improve their own.

If that is you, then worry no longer. It all begins and ends with you.

That’s right if you want to level up, the it begins with you. It also means that you have to get to work and therefore you must put in the work.

Remember, self-leadership is all about improving yourself FIRST and long before you even consider trying to improve someone else.

Thanks for your time,
Dave Guerra


The Chart of You Gotta Do It

When it comes to SUCCESS there are no short cuts.

No ones owes you anything. Success does not arrive by a random knock on the door. It arrives because you have been working for and calling it to arrive.

Success comes strictly from the work you put it. Success comes from the consistency of that work. Success comes from being constant.

When you fail at consistency then you fail to achieve success.

Please study the chart carefully and you will see what I am trying to say.

There I said it.
David Guerra


Bell Curve of Impressing Yourself

Have you ever considered impressing yourself?

Seriously, have you ever thought just outdoing yourself and ignoring everyone else?

Most Average and Below Average People would rather impress others instead of impressing themselves.

Study the chart! The chart will never steer you in the wrong direction. You are the only one that can steer yourself in any direction.

Having the ability and capability to impress yourself is already within you. All you have to do is cast your vanity aside and get to work on yourself.

By the time you are only outdoing yourself others will be amazed that you are taking action versus spewing ideas and concepts and never actually making anything happen.

Make it happen by impressing yourself, first.

Thank you for your consideration,
David Guerra