

Day 88 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Learn to use your eyes for more than just looking at people.

When you are communicating with people, you have to ensure that you are using the full power of your eyes. We are told to make constant eye contact. If you deviate, in maintaining eye contact, because you will be viewed as someone who is self-conscious, weak, inferior, or uncertain? Now who wants to be thought of as weak or uncertain? CERTAINLY, NOT YOU!

The best way to counter that is to CONSCIOUSLY WORK at looking people right in the eye when you talk to them. Don’t break eye contact but DON’T CREEP PEOPLE OUT either. Pick one eye and just look at them.

Master The “I Can See Your Soul” Stare.

You know that look that very few people give you where they can almost see your soul. That’s something that anyone can master. PRACTICE until you no longer get it wrong in front of the mirror. Just keep staring into the reflection of your eyes and eventually you will master that soul deep stare.

No matter what and no matter how tempted (Gents) make an HONEST EFFORT to look the person, you are having a conversation with, in the eyes. It will go a long way to showing that you are GENUINELY INTERESTED in the other individual and REALLY CARE about what they have to say to you.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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BE OBSERVANT (Day 87) by David Guerra

Day 87 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Learn to not just look but to see the world all around you. Sure you may spot a Pink Flamingo among the green vegetation but can you spot ONE CERTAIN, SPECIFIC Pink Flamingo among an entire flock of Flamingos?

US Army Infantry, Rangers, Scouts and Special Forces spend weeks and months just learning how to see the world around them. They work at observing and recognizing all the details. They know that if they overlook even the most mundane and minute detail the unnecessary loss of life can occur.

For those that never served or received this type of training you can learn how to BE MORE OBSERVANT than you already are. There are things you can do right now as you read this to become more observant.

Here is one: Sit still for two uninterrupted minutes look and listen to everything around you. Notice how I wrote LISTEN? That’s right, listening is a very important part of being observant.  You could say that looking and listening go Hand in Hand!

After the two minutes are up, take out a sheet of paper and for the next minute write down everything you saw and heard in as much detail as possible. Repeat this ONE TIME every day for the next week and by the 7th day you will see just how much your observation skills will have increased.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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LEARN TO FORGIVE (Day 86) by David Guerra

Day 86 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Learning to forgive is something that very many people don’t know how to do but DEMAND that others do it without hesitation or reservation. People for some reason find it easy to create and hold on to GRUDGES. Grudges serve no purpose to no one other than that the holder. It serves to CREATE more MISERY and ANGER. Nothing good comes from holding a Grudge, as it prevents any good work from being done on the relationship.

I make mistakes all the time. YOU make mistakes all the time. I forgive when someone trespasses against me. YOU CAN FORGIVE when others do something against you. It’s called being Merciful.

So you can sit there remaining angry at someone who has long since forgiven you or you can join them and forgive and move the relationship to a healthy place (whatever and wherever it may be).

Forgiving also removes undo and VERY UNNECESSARY stress. Forgiving also brings an overall feeling of refreshing renewal. And that’s a good thing. And that’s when the real healing of a relationship can begin.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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