
KNOW WHEN TO LOSE SLEEP (Day 91) by David Guerra

Day 91 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


Know When To Lose Sleep.

While it is one of those things that are not negotiable, getting plenty of good, quality sleep is essential to the health and well-being of any human. However, as you and I both know very well there are just those times when getting a full night’s sleep is just not going to happen.

There will come a night when there is something so big, so important that getting a full eight hours of sleep is not on the calendar. That’s OK.

For example, the birth of a child can be an all-night event. Those kids are on a schedule all their own. Heck, my oldest child arrived sometime after 3AM. At least, she waited to arrive after WWE’s MONDAY NIGHT RAW was over and for that I will always be grateful to her.

Seriously, there will be those times when you just cannot help it. The trick is to know when those times are and ensuring that those times are fewer than those full eight hours of sleep nights.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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Day 90 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


I know I have talked about reading in the past. I want to take this one step further.

Read Something Inspirational. Read Something that INSPIRES YOU!!!

I recommend, if you haven’t already, read “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.

This book while it gets your mind thinking, it will most certainly motivate you and it will drive you to self-improve anything you need improving on and who doesn’t need a little more self-improving?

Seriously, read anything that gets you excited enough to get off your backside and do something that will totally rock your world and that of your friends and family.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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KEEP YOUR BRAIN SHARP (Day 89) by David Guerra

Day 89 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


ALWAYS Keep Your Brain Sharp.

The vast majority of us are stuck in ruts. We do the SAME thing over and over again. We see the SAME people day in, day out. Eat the SAME food, Go to the SAME Places.

We become the definition of MEDIOCRITY.

That’s not a good thing. When we settle in, we become LAZY. When we become LAZY our brain starts to shut down. It starts to go into minimal life support mode. Only the necessary functions to sustain life are running. Thus the mind starts to go numb.

Before you slip and slide your way into a vegetative state why not do something NEW? Something EXCITING!

Getting yourself into something new will keep your brain working on all cylinders and keep it sharp. Remember, to continually do new things otherwise what is new today will be old tomorrow and that leads to mediocrity and that leads to laziness. So Keep Trying New Things!!!

Thank you,
David Guerra

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