blog Change Followership Leadership

About Giving and Taking (part 1)

give-and-take-556150_1920First time leaders, long time leaders, managers who think they are leaders, or anyone that has aspirations of becoming a leader one day, this one is just for you. (Yes, YOU!)

In a world of give and take, a leader must FREELY GIVE ALL that he or she can whether the leader likes it or not. A leader is expected to do things they would never normally do. You could say a Leader is never normal.

A REAL Leader will NEVER take so much from others that it leaves others owing the leader anything. This creates animosity and lack of trust between the followers and the leader.

Once animosity sets in, it will never completely leave and trust will never be regained. You can bet on that!

to be continued…



On Being Thankful (part 2)

As a businessperson‬ are you thankful‬ for the people that follow you?
Or as a businessperson are you ONLY thankful for people that shop with you?
Or as a businessperson are you less than thankful for those that don’t buy from you?
Or do you not care about them until they buy from you?

Do you see where I’m going with this?

As a businessperson, I am just as grateful for everyone that even looks at my street sign as I am for everyone that buys from me. I know that not everyone can be my >customer‬ but I do know and I wholeheartedly agree that everyone can be my friend‬.

So ask yourself, are you only grateful for the paying customers?
If that’s all you care about or are truly grateful for then, I PROMISE, you are in business‬ for all the wrong reasons!

to be continued…


On Being Thankful (part 1)

In these days of being Thankful for who and what we have, one has to take the time to reflect on what he (or she) has done and failed to do. Then question why they failed to do that what they knew in their heart was the right thing to do.

Knowing the answer is one thing but many become paralyzed when it comes time to take action. Thus the cycle is repeated. What’s the point?

The point is do what you know in your heart and mind you MUST do. You will never be the leader you want to be by doing things like trying to please all the people all the time or making everyone happy but yourself.

Being Thankful and Grateful has to begin with you! Be Thankful to yourself first! Be Grateful that you had the opportunities you have had and know that by being Thankful and Grateful to YOURSELF you will have many, many more opportunities heading your way and along for the ride right beside you will be those that matter the most.


To Be Continued…