
Don’t Be So Serious (Day 23) by David Guerra

Day 23 of 100 Days of 100 Ways To Rule Your World


When we go around living at 100mph we tend to overlook the little things. We are moving way too fast to stop and smell the roses. If you like driving fast and always worrying about the impending crash then it is time to slow down.

Being serious all the time creates unnecessary stress. Stress, in general, complicates things. Unnecessary stress really complicates things. To minimize stress, especially unnecessary stress, you must do what you can to stop taking life so seriously!

Of course, life is serious but it is how we deal with the big things, as well as, the little things that make all the difference. Laughing at the little things is easy. Not letting EVERYTHING get to you is not so easy.

That’s why you need to take everything at face value. The big stuff is just that; the big stuff. The small stuff is the small stuff. Learn from both, good or bad, you have to take every opportunity to learn from everything that happens; good or bad, large or small.

Always learn from everything that happens and try not to repeat what you did, should things go wrong, again. Rest assured things will go wrong, again.

Lastly, try to do a lot of the good stuff, the stuff you like, and do that stuff all the time. Doing the stuff you like will certainly go a long way towards not always being so serious.

Thank you,
David Guerra

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